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Email aliases explained
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ultimate strategy for email aliases

August 2024 Email Aliases Explained Livestream this Sunday (Oct 20th) Join me this Sunday, October 20th at 6pm Central/7pm Eastern as we talk everything email aliases. If you're looking for some new ideas, here's your chance to hear me explain my strategy. Get Notified about the upcoming Livestream → Go Deeper: If you've never heard of email aliases before, check out the next two videos for a deeper explanation. What is an Alias? A simple but important explanation of the email alias: Email...

Kia car hack

August 2024 Kia Car Hack? Kia has a hacking problem YouTuber David Bombal exposes a concerning hack of Kia cars that requires only a car's license plate number. The fact that the DMV is selling your data should concern you: Hackers track and control cars with just license plate number → (or check Bombal's YouTube channel) Go Deeper: Kia isn't the only company that's had problems. You need to be careful who you trust with your data. 23andMe Hack Popular DNA testing provider 23andMe was hacked...

August 2024 Compromised Devices Mobile Health Checkup In some cases, people have reason to believe their phone has been compromised. For others, it's just good to do a periodic check to scan and make sure. Here's my story: My Device was Compromised...Here's What I Did → (or check the All Things Secured YouTube channel) Go Deeper: You can also download this free mobile scan checklist PDF, which you can use to go through your own scan. Encrypt Your Data Learn how to encrypt the data on your...

a new kind of phone hack

August 2024 Mobile Hack Horror It's Worse than a SIM Swap Attack Perhaps you've heard of a SIM swap attack, but what about an SS7 attack? Learn how this kind of attack works, whether you're at risk, and what this means for mobile security. SCARY Hack will Change How we Use Phones → (or check the All Things Secured YouTube channel) Go Deeper: Learn more about the more likely SIM swap attack and the special secure mobile providers that offer protections. What is SIM Swap? SIM swaps are one of...

Uncommon cybersecurity tips

August 2024 7 Cybersecurity Tips Not-Your-Everyday Security Tips Sometimes I feel like a broken record sharing the same security tips over and over: "use stronger passwords," "set up 2FA," or "don't click links in emails," etc. This week, however, you should check out these tips that are rarely shared but easy to implement: 7 Cybersecurity Tips NOBODY Tells You → (or check the All Things Secured YouTube channel) Go Deeper: If you want more help on how to implement some of these important...

Telegram CEO arrested

August 2024 Trouble with Telegram Messaging App CEO arrested in France Last weekend, the billionaire CEO of Telegram (who also loves to flaunt his nice six pack) was unexpectedly arrested in France. The story reads like a fiction novel and has some interesting implications for privacy in general. Watch the rest of the story → (check the All Things Secured YouTube channel) Best Secure Phones? Want more privacy? There are options both for secure SIM cards and secure phones. Check them out →...

Chrome security flaw

August 2024 Chrome Security Flaw? Patches Available in new Update A new security flaw in the Chrome browser by which an attacker could force a fatal memory error in your computer is being exploited in the wild. Google briefly acknowledged the bug and has pushed an update to fix it. Read about the flaw → What to know: If you use Chrome, you need to update the software immediately. Exploits like this happen with any software,...

Passkeys suck

August 2024 What are Passkeys? Understanding a new security standard Passkeys have been around for years, yet it feels like only recently that they've started to get used for logins. If it all feels confusing and a bit unnecessary, you're not alone. Here's why I think they suck...but why/how I'm still using them anyway. Simplified Explanation of Passkeys → Go Deeper: If you want to know more about how you can use passkeys, I have two additional resources for you. I'm doing a livestream this...

New Massive Data Breach

August 2024 Historic Data Breach of 3 BILLION people leaked Data includes names, addresses & SSNs The latest news this week in the world of online security and privacy is unfortunately not good. A firm called National Public Data (which is basically just a data broker firm) was somehow compromised and the personal data of 2.9 billion people is now up for sale. Read the news article → What to know: While this is a huge breach, it's not the first time something like this has happened. It's...

Despite all the marketing we're being fed, protecting your online privacy and digital security doesn't have to cost you hundreds of dollars a month. These 7 free online security tools are what I recommend to protect you from online identity theft and hacking. I've said this before, but it's worth saying this over and over again until it's crystal clear: Security is a mindset, not a software. Your ability to fend off hackers and protect yourself from identity theft is dependent on your ability...